Artist Spotlight: Holly Fehenet -


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Artist Spotlight:

Holly Fehenet

Once Holly participated in her first Day, she couldn’t imagine not being involved every year. She feels it’s the best thing artists can do with their talent.

Holly Fehent first got involved with Days in 2014 and has participated both as a Day Artist and as a Shop Owner. As an owner, she has graciously closed her shop and let take over for a day in October.

Here are a few things Holly told us about her Day experience.

Why were you interested in participating in Days?

What better way to donate time and talent! And give what I think is a gift that lasts forever. Getting started, I did not expect how much I would look forward to participating each year.

How did this process feel different from other tattoos?

This most certainly felt different than other tattoos because it’s not only beautiful art, but making someone see themselves and love themselves even more. These tattoos meant moving forward with life and leaving any pain, hardships, and fear behind.

“I experience gratitude every time a recipient first sees their tattoo. I’m thankful for the trust they put in me and honored to be a part of their art and life!”

– Holly Fehenet

How did you feel leading up to the event?

Every new piece of art is like Christmas! All the planning and designing is done and finally the day arrives that the “gift” arrives and at the end of the tattoo session there is this reveal that brings joy, sometimes tears, but always great excitement!

What was your experience like during the event?

Each event is different and special in its own way. I’m always a bit nervous, hoping the recipient isn’t in too much pain and that they love the art. It’s a wonderful time getting to talk and chat as we work, and finding out just how connected we all are despite our different paths and lives. There is always delicious food to keep us going and it’s lovely to walk around and enjoy everyone else’s art as they are working as well. Of course there’s pressure to make sure the recipient loves their art, but honestly the hard work is done ahead with designing and getting everything set up. The day of the event is just a celebration!

How did you feel when you saw your recipient see their tattoo in the mirror for the first time (the reveal)?

Literally watching a phoenix rise!! She put her hands on her hips like “Heck yeah I am amazing!” I experience gratitude every time. I’m thankful for the trust they put in me and am honored to be a part of their art and life!

How has being involved in Days influenced your work as an artist?

I have a desire to keep giving. When I am feeling down, reaching out to someone and lifting them up always helps. It’s a reminder of just how precious life is and that we need to cherish the ones we love. Hard work and effort goes a long way when wanting to make the world a better place for others.

What would you say to another artist or shop owner who may be interested in getting involved with

The best thing we can do with our talent is give back and give the best gift in the world!!! Once you have done one tattoo, it will be a part of your life moving forward and you will absolutely cherish the bond and connection you make with that survivor.

Hear more from Holly about her experience and her advice for other artists interested in working with

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