Letter from the Director - P.ink


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Letter from the Director

Karen Richards has been the Director of the Personal Ink program under Fuck Cancer for the last 5 years, a former local leader for P.ink Day events, a P.ink Day recipient in 2014, and a “behind the scenes” volunteer for 5 years prior to that.

This work has been my passion since the day I heard about it in 2013, and so it is with mixed feelings that I announce my intention to retire at the end of this year. My full time work has become incredibly busy and shows no sign of slowing down, and as I near my time to retire from that job, I need all my energy and focus for the next few years to be on that.

If you’re interested in reading more about my journey from diagnosis to Director, you can read this story that was published on my 64th birthday!

It has been such an honor and privilege to serve our community of mastectomy survivors, operationalize this program, and improve and grow our P.ink Day events. I am so grateful to the 20+ local leaders that are the lifeblood of our P.ink Day events and I will miss them terribly!

I want to thank all of you for your love and support these last 10 years and who knows where I’ll end up when I fully retire!

– Karen

We are currently hiring for a new Personal Ink Program Manager.

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*dba Fuck Cancer, 2022. All rights reserved.

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