Recipient Spotlight: Jennifer Marie-Clapp -


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Recipient Spotlight:

Jennifer Marie-Clapp

After breast cancer treatment left Jennifer without nipples, she didn’t feel like a person. Getting a mastectomy tattoo with helped her find herself again.

Jennifer Marie-Clapp was initially diagnosed with an ovarian cyst at age 28 and years later was diagnosed with breast cancer. After rounds of chemo, a double mastectomy, and reconstruction, she applied for and was chosen as a recipient in Brooklyn, NY in 2021.

The simple step of filling out an application form changed Jennifer’s life. Her tattoos have given her a newfound sense of freedom and comfort in her own skin. When she came to the Day event, she found a community of supportive people that helped make the experience very calming, even if still emotional. Jennifer encourages all recipients to just be in the moment during the experience and feel all the feelings.

We interviewed Jennifer to find out what her Day experience was like and what advice she has for anyone thinking about mastectomy tattoos.

Why did you decide to get a mastectomy tattoo?

After you have surgery, everyone is giving you their input. I knew I wanted to do something, but I didn’t know what that was. I was researching and came up, which felt right.

How would you describe your view of yourself before and after your transformation? What’s been your biggest challenge before, during, and after this experience? What’s been your biggest “aha” moment?

After my surgery, I felt awful because I didn’t have nipples anymore. I didn’t feel like a person when I got out of the shower and I was constantly depressed. I was just going through the motions, but I didn’t feel complete.

While I was getting tattooed, I felt empowered. My artist was incredible and I bonded with all the other women. I felt supported and like I was supporting myself. It felt good to take care of myself and do something for me.

When I look in the mirror now, I don’t see that pain anymore, I see myself again. I have tattoos going over my scars and down my side. I feel badass and like a rockstar. It’s given me so much strength, it’s amazing. I didn’t realize how whole it would make me feel again.

What was the highlight of your event for you? What about the most challenging part of the event?

The highlight of the event was meeting everyone and the amount of support all around. People are checking in on you, on the artist, and on the other recipients. Everyone was so amazing and made me feel calm. The most challenging part was knowing that it’s permanent and know that this is what you want. It’s exciting, but a little challenging.

How has your tattoo changed your life?

It’s definitely made me feel complete as a person. Cancer in general reminds you that life is short and to do and try more.

If you had to choose one word or statement to describe how you felt during your event reveal, what would that be?

Empowered, definitely empowered.

What piece of advice would you share with potential future recipients?

Make sure you apply and don’t hold back. Also, let yourself feel all the feelings because in the end, you will feel amazing.

“When I look in the mirror now, I don’t see that pain anymore…I feel badass. It’s given me so much strength, it’s amazing. I didn’t realize how whole it would make me feel again.”

– Jennifer Marie-Clapp

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