Recipient Spotlight: Mari Ruddy -


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Recipient Spotlight:

Mari Ruddy

Mari was so inspired by her experience that she became a Local Leader to help other women reclaim their bodies.

Mari Ruddy underwent a unilateral mastectomy in 2010 after getting cancer for the second time. She was left with a 9” scar across her chest and hated how her body looked. In an attempt to reclaim her womanhood, Mari applied for the first year it was offered. 

Mari was a 2013 Day recipient in New York where she was matched with artist Ashley Love. The art that Ashley created over Mari’s scar left her no longer afraid to look in the mirror. Mari was so inspired by that she became a Local Leader in Minnesota and has found so much fulfillment through helping other women reclaim their bodies. 

We spoke with Mari to find out what her Day experience was like and what advice she has for anyone thinking about mastectomy tattoos or applying to the Personal Ink program.

How did you feel after your mastectomy?

I had a unilateral mastectomy in August 2010 and for three years I had a 9 inch scar across my chest where my right breast used to be. I stopped looking at myself in the mirror. In fact, I removed a few mirrors in my house. I had started to hate my body.

How were you feeling leading up to your Day?

My wish going into this tattoo was that I would be able to love my body again. I hoped the art that Ashley would put on top of the scar would speak to me and remind me that what I had lost was NOT the essence of my womanhood and over my difficult surgery could be newfound beauty. I was nervous about getting a tattoo, but I trusted the process. I felt called to have it happen.

“These days, I love looking at the lovely lotus flower on my chest. Looking in the mirror brings me quiet joy.”

– Mari Ruddy

What was your Day experience like?

I live in Minnesota and another colleague offered to let me stay in their apartment while I was in New York City to get the tattoo. I didn’t have much money and this was a big help, as was Ashley donated her amazing skill and ink for me to get the tattoo. The biggest surprise was connecting with the 9 other women getting a mastectomy tattoo in the shop the same day I was. It was powerful and profoundly healing to be at Saved Tattoo together transforming and reclaiming our bodies.

How did you feel when you first saw your tattoo revealed?

After almost six straight hours of tattooing, I got up to see what Ashley had created and the first emotions were profound wonder and gratitude. Ashley didn’t just cover the scar, but she blended the scar with the lotus flower, the two enhanced one another. I no longer have a breast. In its place I have a beautiful piece of art. These days, I love looking at the lovely lotus flower on my chest. Looking in the mirror brings me quiet joy.

What’s the symbolism behind your tattoo?

I instantly knew that my first, and so far only, tattoo would be a pink lotus flower. I meditate every day and I love the symbolism of the lotus flower, which is beauty that grows out of mud.

How has your experience changed your life?

About 4 months after I got my tattoo, I was contacted by and asked if I would be interested in organizing a Day here in Minneapolis. With zero hesitation, I said, “Yes! Count me in!” Every single October since then, I’ve helped coordinate the Minneapolis Day. From 2014 to 2019, 61 women have gotten a transformative mastectomy tattoo on this day. Being a part of the healing process for so many women who’ve gone through a breast cancer mastectomy experience continues to inspire and heal me. I never thought I would be good friends with so many tattoo artists, but I am! Plus, the women who help me organize the days are some of my favorite people.

What piece of advice would you share with potential future recipients? 

If you’ve had a mastectomy and are struggling with how your chest looks, please consider joining a Day. You will join a powerful, healed sisterhood and we’d love to have you join us!

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*dba Fuck Cancer, 2022. All rights reserved.

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