Recipient Spotlight: Jennifer -


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After breast cancer treatment, Jennifer was left feeling mutilated. Her mastectomy tattoo made her feel whole again.

After breast cancer treatment, Jennifer was left feeling mutilated. Going into her Day, she was nervous about how the artist would be able to work with her chest as a canvas. But everything went smoothly, she found so much closure, and her mastectomy tattoo made her feel whole again.  Jennifer was a 2014 Day recipient in Boulder, CO where she was matched with artist Darren Hall.

We interviewed Jennifer to find out what her Day experience was like and what advice she has for anyone thinking about mastectomy tattoos or applying to the Personal Ink program. 

How did you feel after your mastectomy?

I had other tattoos and thought this would be the coolest thing and could possibly make me feel a tad better about myself and my mutilated chest.

What were you feeling leading up to your Day?

Before my Day, I was a little nervous, excited, and scared. I was hoping for a little healing to feel better about myself, but nervous to have a stranger seeing this mutilated canvas he was working with.

“I had an overwhelming sense of peace to no longer have the pain and agony of looking at the scars and deformation of my chest.”

– Jennifer

What was your Day experience like?

I had some trepidation and was worried about how it was all going to turn out, but was hopeful that my artist was doing the best he could with what he had or didn’t have to work with.

How did you feel when you first saw your tattoo revealed?

I think the emotion that I was most overtaken by at the time was gratefulness and peace. I am forever grateful to the community and to my artist for his gracious heart of giving up a day to help a total stranger. I also had an overwhelming sense of peace to no longer have the pain and agony of looking at the scars and deformation of my chest.

What’s the symbolism behind your tattoo?

I chose a claddagh because it has always been special to me. It’s an Irish symbol that stands for love, loyalty, and friendship.

How has your experience changed your life? will forever be a part of my daily life as I am reminded of the beauty of the people at and the beauty that they have gifted me. It has made me want to reach out and help fellow survivors and be a light of hope to them in whatever way I can to help ease the pains they may be going through with this disease.

What piece of advice would you share with potential future recipients? 

I would tell them to do it because it is life changing and very unexplainable. It has to be experienced first hand. The communication from the artist and was so smooth and they all take into consideration your concerns, feelings, and ideas to give you the best experience possible.

Hear more from Jennifer about her experience.

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